when you open your heart to the universe
My Services
1 hr
210 Canadian dollars1 hr
157.50 Canadian dollars1 hr
105 Canadian dollars1 hr 30 min
210 Canadian dollars30 min
75 Canadian dollars2 hr
250 Canadian dollars
For more detailed information on services please see the services page in the menu above

January Energy Oracle Card Reading

November Energy Reading - Brace for Impact!

October Energy Update
The information provided by Psychic Medium Corinna Arnold on ascensionofspiritservices.com, YouTube and all other social media is for general informational purposes only. All information is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the site, in personal sessions or in classes.
Under no circumstance shall we have any liability to you for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of the site or reliance on any information provided on the site. Your use of the site and your reliance on any information on the site and our mobile application is solely at your own discretion.
The Site cannot and does not contain medical, legal, psychological or health advice. The material and information on our website is provided solely for entertainment or promotional purposes. You expressly agree that use of the ascensionofspiritservices.com website is at your sole risk.
When booking and paying for a class, QHHT session, private reading or participating in a group reading you acknowledge and agree that the advice and information given by Psychic Medium Corinna Arnold is in not intended to replace consultation and treatment from a licensed medical, psychological, legal or financial professional. No guarantees, or implied warranties and is not responsible for any interpretations, decisions made or actions taken by clients.
All content included in or made available by any Corinna Arnold of Ascension of Spirit Services and through ascensionofspiritservices.com including text, images, graphics, logos, digital downloads, and audio clips is the property of Corinna Arnold and is protected by the Copyright law of Canada and applicable International laws.